Nine schools from eight countries will unify around a project idea of intercultural dialogue through music. 990 students aged 14-18 and 55 teachers will work together using the English language. A traditional national song will be chosen to represent each school and these songs will be studied by every pupil in each school through the respective music education classes of each institution. Each school will establish and support a website created during the project implementation. This website will foster the ongoing communication between the nine partner schools, while enhancing the multimedia skills of the students and teachers alike. Then, in history classes, students will craft a project presenting important cultural achievements of each country, which will be published on the website. A “Partnership Dictionary” will be composed using basic words and phrases from the eight languages and an international hymn will be composed to be performed at the final meeting. The exchanges will bring each participating team to each country for a total of six meetings. Finally, the website will include the perspectives and cultural observations of the national representatives through a ‘cultural guide’ section after each institution travels to and experiences the different cultures of the participating countries.